All the Knitting News

Knitting continues! As predicted, it is helping to lift my spirits no end – I am singing my way around the house again. That’s more like it. Not only that, I have my camera out of its box. Hurrah. Get up and go is being restored.

Here’s a quick catch-up on the Knitting News:

  • Warriston is knitted. The i-cord bindings have been added. One abortive attempt at an underarm graft has been made and unpicking is in progress – stymied by lack of light yesterday, Another assault will be made soon and once I have the underarms fettled I shall sew in all of the ends and be ready to wash.
  • Being short of both 9 mm needle points and the Hoopla yarn, I have yet to cast on for the Hooded Cowl. Tips have been borrowed. Yarn still not here.
  • In the interim I cast on a second Rivington Cowl in some leftover cashmere.  I wanted it as a lightweight warmer for stopping the draughts indoors. That being so I elected to leave off the lace border and just make a ring. I cast on November 28th and cast off again on December 3rd. The cowl is not yet washed but has been worn to go out to the shops. It will, with some persuasion, go three times about my neck. Photos intended yesterday but again, bad light stopped play. Washing and blocking deferred until I can find my T-pins.
  • The hooded scarf remains in need of washing, blocking and sewing together. The T-pin issue applies.
  • Similarly, the Pavonated curl is in need of a firm hand and some T-pins.
  • I think I’ll not bother to block the Colinette throw
  • The yarn for Mr L’s sweater was delivered on Friday afternoon. As previously mentioned, I was prevented from getting off to a quick start by lack of light and inability to access the pattern. A shame – as it’s not long now until the 17th. I wonder if an Anniversary (31st Dec) Sweater might do?

The yarn for Mr L’s sweater is a bargain-basement yarn, branded as Ice it is labelled as pure new wool and actually feels far nicer than I had any right to expect for the $1.50 price tag. A test square, knitted yesterday, counted out at exactly the required tension. Read that again. Exactly the correct tension – a first in my lifetime, I think. I have, on 4 mm needles, 21 stitches and 28 rows to 4″.

The yarn
The yarn

Having seen reviews on Ravelry saying that this yarn exhibits significant bias, I am happy to report that it is not evident in my test square. What is evident however is a pronounced tendency to roll North-South. East-West has only a very small curl – entirely normal and acceptable.

Tendency to curl
Tendency to curl

Mr L has examined the square and pronounced the fabric to his taste. I am tempted to cast on now, on the basis of the tension square being spot-on,  but I am being sensible and have washed it, pinned it out, and am waiting for a recount.

Work on the sweater will begin tomorrow – if I brave the elements, go out to the caravan and find some 3 mm needles for the ribbing. It may immediately stall, as I have scheduled a trip to town on Tuesday. The weather gods may have something to say about that one though.

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