A Red Letter Day

My first snail mail receipt from this latest phase of letter writing has arrived. Can I tell you how pleased I am that it came in a RED envelope – I doubt it. It tickled me pink anyway – and it came from Mia.

When I registered at Lettermo last week, the first person to pop up and greet me was Mia, who remembered me, as I remember her, from the online community of students studying the Open University’s course (A215) in creative Writing in 2006. I followed Mia’s blog for some time after I quit the course but somehow I lost touch with her and my feedreader no longer offers me her blog. It was such a delight to see her and it feels appropriate that my first letter should come from her and join up separate parts of my life.

I deferred opening the letter until I could sit down quietly with a cup of coffee and fully enjoy it. It is not a reply to mine and we clearly “crossed in the post” but that’s absolutely fine – that tends to cut down on the time elapsed between responses. I shall try to reply later on today – I should have time as lunch is pretty much taken care of (I had some beans baking on Low in the slow cooker for ten hours yesterday!) and my brioche for tea-time  is moulded and rising in its tin, ready for baking. Letter-writing will be a welcome distraction from cleaning and tidying my studio space!

I actually have hope that Mia and I can spur each other on to return to some properly creative writing endeavours. I’d like one more ISBN under my belt before I shuffle off.

There is a parcel here in my studio that arrived on Saturday and has not been opened yet. I really must crack on and clear my bench so that I can do that. It’s a very fun parcel and I cannot wait to play with it.

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