I am soooo sorry

I do apologise. I have no idea what got into me yesterday. Was I very boring? I certainly left myself feeling very exposed…

Today I wrote a very long post following on – basically the introspective mood had continued and I had something of an epiphany at 3 am, about examinations of all things! However, I find that I do not wish to press the submit button on that one. You have been spared, be grateful.

Woke with a migraine early this morning. Feeling sub-par. You are on your own today – go do something far more interesting.

When I come back, I should like to talk about this (so this here is a reminder for myself.)

Today I shall be doing mainly nothing at all but also cooking some pasta and making a white wine sauce with scallops.


  1. jennifer ross
    January 8, 2016

    I am really sorry that I put you in that position. Next time just say to me ” I am not feeling sociable” I would understand. I have felt like that at times. Consoling I am not alone.
    I have just sat down to do some squares.
    for the first time I made some almond milk with the almonds you ordered for me. Then I made a chocolate thing with the residue. It smells good. Nearly time to get it out! And taste.
    love j

    • January 11, 2016

      Bad girl! No paranoia, please.

      How was the almond milk? Was it a successful experiment?

  2. Carole
    January 9, 2016

    Struck a chord with me anyway 🙂

    • January 11, 2016

      Carole! So good to “see” you. You have been much on my mind lately. Please tell me that your home is high enough not to have been troubled by the rising waters? I’m hoping I can count you amongst those I know who were lucky.

      • Carole
        January 12, 2016

        Thanks for thinking of us! We were fine as our house is slightly uphill, but not so uphill that we suffer from runoff. The towns have been devastated through, although the good thing has been the response from the community, with loads of people helping to clean up. There are also quite a lot of defiant messages in shop windows saying that the shops will be coming back.

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