Eggs not hatched

We were very wrong in expecting Part 5 of the GCHQ puzzle to have two questions, followed by a sixth part. In fact, Part 5 is the final part but consists of a whopping eleven puzzles, and they are more challenging than those that went before. These 11 are the answers that have to be emailed to go into the draw for a prize. 

We have six of the eleven now fully solved. One multi-part puzzle is  ¾ done and a further puzzle is partially worked. The last three, we have yet to consider. No hurry, answers have to be in by the end of January and we are not mid-way through December yet.

All this puzzling is of course stopping the knitting from being done.

In Other News: I heard yesterday that the judge for this month’s competition at the camera club is the well-known Orkney Jeweller, Sheila Fleet. I find that intimidating, though the good news for me is that she’s no traditionalist. I think it’s going to be interesting!

Also: I was looking at all the photos of Teesdale under snow yesterday. I hesitate to say that I am homesick as I regard Sanday as Home, but I do most certainly miss the place and I really do miss proper SNOW! I was pining for Barney in  many ways but honestly no longer call it home – it’s the place where I did most of my growing up, I suppose.All the same, the snow pics and those of the water coming over High Force last week. I really would like to be there – from time to time. Perhaps now we have Brunhilde we’ll visit now and again.

I have had a cat forcibly attached and am finding typing difficult (knitting impossible) but today did start off frosty, so can I really blame him?

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