A hiatus is imminent

I checked the tracking info on Mr L’s yarn and it seems to be lodged in Birmingham. It will not be here any time soon, then.

Warriston will be finished, the knitting part at least, today. I am now wondering about filling in the waiting time by casting on a cowl.

I could:

  1. add the fishing touches to Warriston, wash it, block it, wear it
  2. pick up a UFO and make progress on it
  3. cast on for the freeform hooded cowl with my Colinette leftovers
  4. cast on for a new lightweight cowl
  5. spin instead of knitting
  6. concentrate on taking some photos for the club’s looming competition deadline

# 1 is the most sensible course of action and option #2 makes a lot of sense too. Option #3 calls strongly to me but perhaps #4 is shouting louder, all of a sudden and if I were to take up #5 as my chosen course of action, I might spin the supersoft camel blend top to make a cowl with.  For once, photography is not demanding my attention. I’m not feeling it. At all.

What’s all this with the cowls? I simply find them to be the most practical of accessories. Wound twice about the neck, they keep the draughts out and need no further attention – no ends trailing, no sliding from the shoulders. I wore my Rivingtom Cowl to go to the shop yesterday and it didn’t come off again until bed time. I scarcely knew it was there, I was simply nice and cosy. I woke this morning with the idea that I need more of these long cowls, made from soft whisper-light fibres with amazing drape. Rivington is a bit dull in colour and right now I fancy a soft light cowl in a punchy bright shade. It could even be a Mobius but I think something in garter stitch – strictly no-fuss warmth.

I am going out to the caravan later on to check my stash for yarns to add to the Colinette for my Hooded Cowl. I’ll be keep an eye out for something in the laceweight department for an indoor cowl too. What I find and the associated excitement level attached to the yarn will define what gets knitted next, I think. Unless discipline gets in the way and I get the Windswept Shawl out.

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