I think that I have always preferred Silver over Gold. Certainly Silver is less showy and more understated and yet… it tarnishes, unlike Gold.
I was fair-haired as a child. Not as determinedly blonde as my twin sister, but fair enough. Unfortunately my hair darkened when I reached my teens, When I hit my early Thirties my hair began to go grey at the temples. A colleague pointed out my “wings” one day and said that I would be needing to cover that up. My response was to say that I loved my silver and that people pay small fortunes to obtain highlights in their hair and that I was keeping it.
It wasn’t very many years before I went completely grey. True to my word, I have never dyed my hair in order to disguise that grey. I am grateful to be a Silver, I would not have enjoyed being an Iron Grey or completely snowy White.
But Silver tarnishes!
Our water supply here has something in it that turns my hair yellow. I look more like a blonde some days now than ever I did when I was very small. I hate it that it looks as though I am dying it to look less grey and I do enjoy it when we travel and I wash my hair in other waters and my silver returns to sparkle in the sun.
None of this means that I have never dyed my hair. One day I asked Mr L if he had ever wished that he might wake up next to a redhead. Of course, he said “yes.” So we bought some dye and turned me RED. A very unfortunate bright auburn red that did not suit me at all but it was a fun exercise and not regretted. More recently Mr L dyed my hair purple. I have long envied the girls with vibrantly coloured hair and was particularly envious of the pinks and the purples. I LOVED it and look forward to another brush with the dye pot, though the irony has not escaped me that when I was young I swore that I would never be one of the “Blue Rinse Brigade.”
The dye job was for my birthday dinner as a form of compensation for the fact that the jewellery that was to be my present had not been delivered.
I am wearing that jewellery today. It’s silver. Also one of my new sari skirts. Very neat circular blogging there, I’d say. This skirt is the one that I thought that I would least like but I have to say that I feel very much at home in it.
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