Well, that’s that plan scuppered

Well, that's that plan scupperedToday’s blip was going to be my tea-time eggy bread sizzling happily in my brand-new colour-changing frying pan from Lakeland. Lovely crusty bread made yesterday by my own fair hand, golden yolked eggs straight from the ladies in my garden, pale blue pan turning to white…

Alas, when I went to unpackage the pan and attach the handle which I thought had been detached for a reason… I found that handle and pan should have been joined together permanently at source. The weld has failed. The pan must be returned. My eggy bread will not nestle this day in a pretty pastel pan.

I’ve asked for a refund. Having seen the way in which the handle is supposed to be attached, I can’t honestly see a replacment lasting long in the hurly burly that is my kitchen.

SCREW it, Lakeland, SCREW IT! You know what you are doing with a good screw. Just apply a screwdriver periodically to ensure that the parts remain mated. That’s all. Pure and simple.