Sleeping Angel

Sleeping AngelInspired by [url=]friedaquilter today[/url] I checked the forecast after lunch, donned my boots, grabbed camera and tripod and headed off to the Cross Kirkyard.  The ruins here date from the 16th century but probably stand on the site of a Viking settlement.

No matter how often I visit I always find something new to photograph here – perhaps it is the ever-changing light that draws the eye in new directions.

I took a stack and in the end it came down to two candidates, this Angel and Lilies of the Valley  (which I assume came from a nearby infant grave), tossed to the floor by the wind  or [url=]a simple wooden cross, now the worse for wear[/url]. I fear that I chose the obvious and not my actual favourite.

More snaps from today [url=]on my blog[/url]