It’s veritably weeing down today. Light levels have been low all day. I’m attempting to tidy up in my workroom and make space for some “studio” work as the winter comes on. Naturally I was distracted from my task…
This wee mustard pot came from the Harray Potter when we visited recently. My artist’s mannequin appears to have “borrowed” it to use as a soup tureen. I shall have to name him Pod.
I’m making use of this down time to try and get control of the Nikon instead of using it in auto mode all the time. Pod was captured using Aperture Priority and I am ashamed to admit that it has taken me all this time to find out how to get into that mode! If I can find the manual I may take it away with me when we go and see what else I can learn.
[url=]The Borrowers[/url]