December Reflections 1: Star

My husband is the guiding star and bright light of my personal universe and I very much wanted to share a photograph of him for this prompt. However, he is camera shy. I can’t find a good photograph of him from this year and there is no way that he will pose for a special one, which is a great pity.

My usual photographic view of my better half is rapidly disappearing ahead

Walking near Plaisance, 16 August 2020, during a period of liberty between lockdowns

Occasionally I can grab a full frontal, from a distance

Walking 17 August 2020, at Saut de la Brame

Portraits are difficult to come by,

If I were to lose him at any time soon, I would be very sad not to have a recent photograph and so I am asking him if he will sit for me. I think permission to share such a photograph will not be forthcoming.

Perhaps I should say a little more about why I hold this man in such regard or perhaps a simple vignette will suffice: We were out walking with the dog on Saturday morning, when I suddenly stopped and turned to give my man a huge hug. When he asked what that was for, I told him that I was feeling grateful to finally have the husband that I deserve (he’s #3). Then I said that he is the (implied, “kind of” here, he’s mine and you can’t have him!) husband that all women deserve and so many have not got.

This is something that I really feel at a gut level. I value the support that I receive and the belief that my husband has in me. I appreciate that he builds me up and doesn’t try to tear me down, as numbers 1 and 2 did so very effectively. He spoils me and loves to treat me. He drives me thousands of kilometres to new and interesting places. He does my hoovering for me. He takes me out for the most amazing dinners. He indulges me and feeds my camera habit… buys me skirts and baubles and then proceeds to enjoy seeing me in them. This last is very important. Most of all, he sees me as exactly the same desirable woman that he met back in the last Century. Not aged, not faded, not wrinkled, not fattened. His love for, and interest in, me has never waned. And in all that time, he has never wanted to change a single thing about me.

Baubles, from an antique shop in Montreuil sur Mer in September, bought on the way to dinner and proudly worn immediately

My Dear Husband is, in every way, a total Star in my estimation.

You are a force, you are a constant source
Yeah, you are a shining light
Incandescent in the darkest night
Yeah, you are a shining light
Yeah, you light up my life


The photo? I was skimming through those photos from this year that I have on this machine and this one caught my eye. It’s kind of reminiscent of a star, isn’t it?

A Calisson star 🙂

These Calissons came from Argenton-sur-Creuse. It was the first day of the eased lockdown (v1.0) and we were permitted to drive up to 100km from home. We had been considering for some time taking the van to Argenton to stay overnight once permitted to – and decided that a quick recce in the car would be in order. It was my first time out after being confined for weeks on end, it was close to my birthday, and we decided that a little celebration was in order on all counts. Mr L donned his mask and ventured into the Chocolaterie, coming back out with these little beauties.


Argenton was lovely (at least, parts were). We look forward to returning, once we are allowed to venture that far once more.

Argenton-sur-Creuse 14th May 2020
ITMA! Argenton-sur-Creuse 14th May 2020

December Reflections 2020


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