Some reading for this winter.
I could not resist this offer on a package of 8 books from the Gollancz 50. Some of them, I have read; some of them, I have on my bookshelf under different covers. The package price was still cheap, if only to pay for the ones that I am not familiar with.
I have such fond memories of the years between 12 and 14, being let loose by special dispensation in the Adult section of the library and discovering Gollancz’s famous yellow covers. I pulled every yellow cover that I could find from the shelf and have yet to lose my love of SciFi. I’m less fond of Fantasy as a genre and wonder what on earth Pratchett is doing in this set, but it was only £7.99 for all 8, with free delivery.
If only we were not de-stuffing, I’d love to have the full 50 on my shelves.
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