Where is my get up and go?

Energy levels today seem lower than ever. I am finding it difficult to get stuck into anything much. My back is aching badly, though I have no idea why, and I cannot find the painkillers. I did the bins (slowly) and took the Monday Outlook photos. I prepared a lunch of Influenced Vegetable Stew with Tzatziki, olives and yesterday’s crusty bread revitalised in the Aga and I moved a little of the laundry around – it is slowly finding its way to the bedroom after being shunted from tub to line to airer as weather and space permit. The wet basket has one double fitted sheet and one duvet cover awaiting drying and the dirty bin is still two thirds full. Where does it all come from?

As can be seen from the Outlook photos, today is undistinguished at best, veering to a bit miserable at times. At this time last week I was wandering around Inverewe Gardens in blazing sunshine.

I think I shall take things quietly for the remainder of the day. Mr L has a phone conference shortly. I aim to sit here like the proverbial quiet mouse and write up some more of the trip. Looking at sunshine photos might improve my spirit a little.

Gill has just dropped some fresh yeast off for me. I feel Something Naughty coming on. Doughnuts? Chelsea Buns? Danish Pastries? I do not know yet –  but I do intend to have something wicked with our coffee tomorrow (backache permitting.)


  1. spinninggill
    September 21, 2015

    Doughnuts! 🙂

    • September 21, 2015

      Tempting, isn’t it? I have strawberry preserve – in need of cream though

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