What a drip

Lightning woke me a little after three this morning and the storm continued for about an hour, on and off. This a rare thing here, where we normally suffer one or two strikes and then nothing. This time the lightning was distant. All power remained on and no sockets blew off the wall but I did get out of bed to unplug my laptop, just in case. Nell appeared unperturbed and slept peacefully beneath our bed.

I could have done without it, knowing as I did that I must be up early to go to town. I was in a deep sleep when Mr L woke me this morning, dreaming vivid dreams of people that I knew many years ago.They hadn’t changed a bit but, oh my goodness, some of them were very improper.

In town I took my adverts to For Arts Sake, then dropped into the jewellers to have  new battery fitted to my watch. It was there, when I enquired as to the correct time, that I realised that I had but ten minutes in which to make it to Outpatients. I legged it up to the hospital and arrived hot, sweaty and flustered. Of course the doctor was late. It was so hot in the hospital that I was unable to restore equanimity.

After my appointment I enjoyed a restorative light drizzle as I walked back into town, where I had coffee and then went to purchase cheese and olives for supper. Then to Tesco and when I came out of there it was tipping down. I struggled through the downpour with my shopping and took refuge n the Library,where I ate my Tesco sandwich before heading back out into the rain and on to the ferry.

Overall, not a great day and not very enjoyable. Some sock knitting done. Got home to find that Mr L had sold his drum kit. Matters progress, though no news yet from our solicitor.

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