
The Vanilla Mansock makes progress, albeit slowly. The heel is turned and the gusset is under way. I chose to do an Eye of Partridge heel this time around, other wise this sock is wholly plain vanilla. All the same, I think it may be rather smart when finished – the variegated greys knit up very nicely. Whether or not it will fit is a whole different matter, as I failed to swatch and merely extrapolated from some completed socks – done in Opal, not Regia). I opted for a 78 stitch sock and only time will tell how close I have got to the desired size.

I can’t help feeling a little pleased in moving so swiftly from terrified sock virgin to a knitter who is prepared to wing it on the basis of a couple of rough measurements and a vague notion of how a basic sock works.

Perhaps I should keep the sense of pride under wraps until something visibly like a sock of approximately correct size falls off the needles? There’s many a slip…