Ticking over

I am still here. There just isn’t much happening right now in my little world of fibre. Life is consumed by puppy duty, and the interminable feed/toilet/train schedule. It should all be worth it in the end and we should ultimately have a civilised little companion, not drawn to munching my stray skeins at every opportunity. Apart from that, much soreness in my arm means that computer time is severely curtailed for the time being – thus there is little opportunity for either posts or site set-up. Both will come.

There is some activity going on in the new revamped demiurge part of this life, where non-fibre creativity is now being recorded.


  1. October 7, 2007

    I miss your fibery daily blog. Is it coming back? I hope yaou and puppy are OK

  2. October 7, 2007

    Hi, Claire. I’ll be back – just as soon as there is something to report. There is very little happening at present. Tell you what, I’ll do an update now…

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