This week


  • Complete Rainbow Swallowtail
  • Complete Pythagoras
  • Another Urchin
  • As many Beanies as can be fitted in
  • One cashmere “little nothing” scarf

Hmmm. Can it be done? We’ll see. Mr L is away and I have no routine to attend to but spinning is here on Wednesday, so there is cake to do, and there is a small matter of The Grass Widows’ Curry Night on Tuesday evening. Oh, and the first of this year’s Craft Club meetings on Monday.


I’d best revise my expectations for the week I think.

  • Complete Rainbow Swallowtail – my main goal for this week

This will be done.

  • Another Urchin
  • As many Beanies as can be fitted in
  • Secondary goals!

    The rest is icing on the cake.

    Next week I really must get Mr L’s sweater on the needles as winter is fast advancing and we needs must keep the heating low this year. Also he needs warm socks and some fingerless gloves for use at the keyboard. I need to fit that lot in between making wet “logs” for the fire… and I don’t want to begin his winter woollies until I have some WIPs finished: Rainbow Swallowtail, Pythagoras, the BSJ, and (perhaps) Mingus socks. I guess t he sweater will be started later in the week rather than sooner. And I must put some WIPs to bed for a quiet snooze until spring, I think: Fafner, Frosted Ferns, Ghost – and perhaps the Mingus socks, but I do seem to have far too many sleeping socks just now.