This post is a handwritten post, believe it or not. Truly, I am writing this entry entirely by hand, in my awful handwritten script.
I have a graphics tablet, courtesy of my wonderful fairy Godfather. I bought it a couple of years ago and made some slow progress in learning to use it before the advent of the Mac. The Mac now occupies much extra space on my desk and the tablet has been languishing, unplugged, for far too long.
Today I spent some time in exploring the use of MS Expression as an alternative to Paint Shop Pro, which I no longer have. It occurred to me as I played, that life would be so much simpler with the use of the tablet -which I purchased primarily to relieve my RSI. How foolish to spend so much on the kit – to not use it! Thus I spent time in reorganising and dusting (!) my workspace today, in order to plug in my tablet once more. I downloaded new Vista drivers – and discovered this really cool character input application. It is providing me with much fun today. And so is Expression. I have been working up a visual for a pitch we intend to make tomorrow. We are trying to get a new event off the ground.
Using the tablet to hand write a blog entry is very interesting. As yet it is quite a slow process, though still a satisfying one. It is certainly far less taxing on my damaged nerves and joints. If I persist in using this form of input I shall be most interested to see if my “voice” alters in any perceivable way. Would you let me know, please ?