The Long Days Out

Daily Prompt: Places

Beach, mountain, forest, or somewhere else entirely?

For me, any or all of those will suffice; so long as they are wild and empty spaces. Not for me the burning sun, oiled bodies, chilled beer and sun loungers.  Cliff’s beach party would send me scurrying inland to the mountains.

As it happens, I have no choice nowadays; it is the beach or nothing, as our little island has no mountain, no trees, just miles of white sand and sweeping bays.

Mr L, On The Beach

There have been other times, elsewhere. High mountain tops, long days in deep forests.  I have loved them all because you were with me, dear, exploring the wild places. You and I alone, with the dogs and not a soul about to share it  with. These are for you:

The Long Days Out

(i) Hunting for hidden treasure in the Forest of Dean

Long ago, one gold leaf
Covert in a russet tree –
You and I, seeking

(ii) Christmas Day on Cairn Daimh

Pie in the sky lunch –
solitary dining for
Mincemeat Mountaineers

(iv) In the forest by the sea, at Lossiemouth

Lossie forest, verdant
Have my cake and eat it too –
Hear the waves breaking

More writers on this prompt:

  1. Places – I’m Afraid Of The Dark
  2. The Night-Sky, Rain Droplets and City Lights | Ramisa the Authoress
  3. Hey, Let’s Have A Coffee | The Jittery Goat
  4. Mafra Portugal. «Natalie Elizabeth Beech Natalie Elizabeth Beech
  5. Daily Post: Places | tel-uh-vizh-uh-ner-ee
  6. Daily Prompt: Places | Daddy’s Naughty Little Girl
  7. The WordPress Weekend Roundup – WP Daily
  8. Dailly Prompt: Places | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss


    • March 2, 2013

      Thank you for stopping by

  1. March 3, 2013

    My favorite thing about these images is that you are with your dog. All things are more beautiful with man’s best friend.

    • March 3, 2013

      We have spent many happy hours and walked countless miles up hill, down dale, along stream and strand. Nothing like a pair of dogs (now three) to keep us motivated.

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