
I am weary. Very, very weary. It is good to see friends but the endless round of cooking and the sleeping in strange circumstances, added to a total change of routine? It all adds up to an extreme tiredness.

I knitted about two rounds of sock all week.

I did get to make some silk cocoon stripping “paper”

That’s it.

(Oh, no, it isn’t. I also did a little spinning and some plying – when I discovered just what happens when you have a major brain fart and begin plying in the wrong direction.)

– And this afternoon is for airing beds and washing linens and good old fashioned slumping.

And maybe chocolate.

Good friends always bring chocolate. VERY good friends, such as the one who just left, also bring with them beer and whisky – which they leave behind them when they go.


Normal service will be resumed some time next week. In the meantime, I hope to vegetate on the sofa and maybe complete a sock (gusset decreases now complete and about to sprint for the toe.)