
It is a filthy, filthy day, following a filthy, filthy night – the barometer bottomed out at ten past six this morning and the storm has eased, but will remain with us all day. There will be no outside activity today, with winds continuing to gust up into the sixties.

For once, the power stayed with us and I am left wondering what to do today. It is too dreary for doing anything that fails to offer some inherent incentive, too dark and dismal to do anything requiring detailed attention – so no reading, knitting or spinning. Cooking lunch will take about five minutes today – I had planned for a power cut and cooking on a picnic stove.

A baking day then.

A day for baking treats and consuming them in inappropriate quantity. Preferably with a mug of real hot chocolate on the side. Stirred with a cinnamon stick.

I was wondering what to do but it’s obvious really, isn’t it? It is a doughnut day.

Now I wish that I had not made that apple sauce with last week’s pork. I loves me an apple doughnut, I does.

I need an interesting twist on a doughnut. Any ideas? Basic store cupboard items only… we are bereft of good shops up here.


1 If only I had bought that “cream” I was looking at yesterday.

2 I think I know where to go now… apricots!

3 – Ooooh…. Pan-fried doughnuts stuffed with walnuts and sesame


  1. backwardslion
    January 30, 2013

    You did see my post on doughnuts last week, didn’t you? 🙂

    FWIW, anything, as long as it is smooth, will fill a doughnut nicely. Jam, lemon curd (you do have lemons, eggs and butter, don’t you?), custard, chocolate custard… or try making savoury ones, maybe? A rich, not-sweet dough, fried, rolled in cheese & filled with chutney sounds like a nice idea to me.

    • January 30, 2013

      Of course I did, though you clearly missed my comment to it 🙂

      Lemons? Don’t be daft! I’ve not been to mainland since December. I was really fancying a twist on the doughnut rather than the filling, to be honest. As I said before, not keen on jammy ones. Creme Pat would be sans creme as cream can not be got… only Elmlea.

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