Really, is it worth going on?

The battle with the blogs remains ongoing. Fully hosted now on the new server and lovely fresh installations and all should be well. Yet, it appears not so to be. Already we are receiving notifications about over-use of resources. Have we carried over some of the nasties? We don’t know. Steps have been taken so as to make diagnosis simpler. In the meantime, I remain reluctant to spend time in writing posts that may yet have to be destroyed on a blog that may yet be retired.

That’s okay” I hear you say “we can understand that” but it’s not, it really is not okay. Quite aside from the rage at those greedy immoral folk who ruin people’s work for their own gain, there is the fact that I need this space.

I had a post all drafted in my head and was going to write it last night, which was when the notice about the current problem came in. I was going to write about how I plan to use this space in the coming days and why I need to use it, and why in the way that I choose to at this time. It’s soulful stuff and I am just not able to commit to baring chunks of myself, raw and bleeding, when I feel that this little haven of mine is under attack.

I feel as though I am disappearing, slowly vanishing… vapourising; daily becoming less real. I need to flex my thinking and writing muscles once more.

We are paying for this resource and I have this need to use it. I just feel that I cannot do so at this time.

I just want to scream

I feel besieged,

I’d better do some knitting.


  1. December 6, 2018

    There is little I can do to help you keep your blog unborked, but if you do stop then I will feel a deep sense of loss as your blog posts are pretty much my last point of contact with you. Please draw strength from your readerbase and hopefully you will be able to banish the problems that beset you. Many hugs and cuddles to you both with extra tinsel and sparkles.

  2. January 3, 2019

    Hello, sweetie. I’m always here, even if I can’t always reach out. Always thinking of you. Belated Christmas and New Year thingies to you and yours xxx

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