I am trying to get my head around the notion of a RAK group that operates wish lists.
Nope. It’s not working.
Maybe I’ll get used to it – but I do think that I prefer truly random acts, rather than ones informed by lists of desires. A profile, I can handle. I see no reason why somebody wishing to bestow some random love should not peek at a profile or read a blog for clues, but wish lists just don’t sit right.
I miss PostcardX.
One of the things that I love about random giving is that it is a creative act. It gives free reign to one’s imagination. Choosing something from a wish list is like picking something up off the supermarket shelf. Of course, the best thing about receiving something random is the information that it gives about the sender – the recipient learns something in a very meaningful way. It’s personal and it’s soul-touching.
RAKs based on wish lists remind me of my in-law’s habit of saying in September "What do you want for Christmas? Give me the number in the Argos catalogue and I’ll get it for you."
Where’s the thrill?
I am trying to think what to put in my wish list when the time comes but I’m rather stuck. I always tend to think myself blessed to the full and can’t imagine what I might need that I don’t already have. There’s the Mondo Beyondo stuff, of course – like the wishes I might blog here – but I’d never dream of asking a real person to bestow any of those things on me!
Can you imagine it?
"I’d like some of Natalie’s custom-dyed merino/tussah fibre please, in Peacock if it’s not too much trouble, oh and a Shacht Matchless would go down nicely – but if you can’t manage that, some pairs of those nice knitting needles that the Harlot was on about would be good, 3.25mm stiletto pointed straights, if you would. I’d rather like a set of blocking wires too, please. Or another Bengal cat please – a brown spotted one this time would be nice. Failing all of that, I have a huge Amazon wishlist already made up…"
Yeah, right.
I’d far rather sit back and hope a surprise might come my way some time, wouldn’t you?
Surprises are wonderful.
Giving surprises is the best.