Proof, if Proof were needed

A while back I was pondering Mr L’s offer to buy me a Brød & Taylor folding proofing cabinet. A great idea but exorbitantly priced, I would not permit the extravagance – I just could not justify it. The cabinets seemed to be only available via Lakeland and at Lakeland’s usual luxuriant price structure. Well, now they no longer have them, but Bakery Bits do – and at only 2/3rds of the Lakeland price.

I have asked about delivery costs 🙂

Mr L has convinced me that it will be more economical (much depends on courier costs, though) than turning on the Rayburn to warm up the kitchen sufficiently to make bread. That’s all very well, but won’t I feel the cold?

I sprang out of bed this morning, all feelings of the virus having left me, determined to catch up on some proper work today. Something went ping! So I am now moving v e r y  s l o w l y and am rather less excited about the vacuum cleaner than I was before I rose.

It’s Spinning day today but I don’t think that my back is up to those awful chairs. I’ll probably stay home this afternoon.

Right – it’s time to brew up some soup! No bread today, my back will not permit the kneading. I’ll toast some of the sourdough. I think today may be a green soup: Spinach perhaps, maybe with some fried bacon strips to garnish.

Oh – the muffins we had for tea last night were great. We were running late (I’d spent far too much time on the Future Learn thing) so passed on the poached eggs and just split, toasted and buttered the muffins. Crunchy on the outside  and soft and chewy in the middle – just wonderful.

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