Prompted by Paula

Prompted by Paula… I think that I must make A Plan. I detect signs of  both displacement and denial. A marked reluctance to pick up any knitting at all…

What’s today? Thursday? OK then…

  1. Complete Gördes sock #1 by some time Friday √
  2. Complete Antalya by end of weekend Requires grafting
  3. Monday: Knit the second Infernal Mitt Frogged instead
  4. Tuesday: Frog projects that I do not intend to take further, cross them off the list. Resist temptation to look for patterns for reusing the yarn and casting them on immediately. Cast on second Gördes as reward.
  5. Wednesday: is Spinning Day. Fix Clapotis. frogged back and reknitted the end 17/02/11
  6. Thursday: Fix the Norie (start on it at least) Frogged and cast on 14/02/11 Finished 17/02/11
  7. Friday: (going to town) knit on ferry sock

Not all of those will take all the time allotted to them – I’ll fill any dead time with blanket squares if I can.

Starting a new post Category for tracking these reports: UFO Reduction

There now, that was a really good displacement activity, was it not? Excuse me, I have a sock to knit.         I’ll just identify frogging candidates first…

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