I cast on the Knox rescued from my Clapotis, and began the “My So Called Scarf”. I love the fabric that it creates, though I think I shall find the scarf rather narrow, despite adding an extra 10 stitches in.
I am schizophrenic about this yarn. I love each individual shade in it, but am much less enthralled with the way that they go together. Theoretically, I should love it. But I don’t. I almost hate it, in fact. I think it’s the white. There is too much white and the white is far too… white. It would have been better in a golden colour, like clouds in the early sunset. Struggle as I do with the colours, and the actual knitting of such an inelastic yarn, I persevere, because the weight and the drape of the knitted fabric is something wonderful indeed.
The good news is that the colours are working better in this than they did in the Clapotis.
I have renamed the project, Sunset Strip – which seems apt.