My Films: Day 6

Thelma & Louise, 1991

I have sat here, just looking at a blank page for ages. I have no words. It’s visceral.

Thelma & Louise – parallels may be drawn with Butch & Sundance, I guess. I shall leave others to do that.

One of my all-time favourite films, featuring what may possibly be my all-time favourite song recording. Two gorgeous women on the run.

I have no idea what is going on at IMDB. 7.4? Pfft! Rotten Tomatoes scores it at 84%, which is slightly better.

I cannot believe that any reader will not know this film. If you don’t, then may I recommend that you grab a copy and watch it just as soon as you can.

Director: Ridley Scott! I had not been aware of that. This is nothing like Bladerunner… Nor had I realised that he is British or that he directed some episodes of Adam Adamant and Z-cars. Despite the fact that I had thought that Ridley Scott is not “me” – apparently he can at times be so.

Directed byRidley Scott
Produced byRidley ScottMimi Polk Gitlin
Written byCallie Khouri
StarringSusan SarandonGeena DavisHarvey Keitel
Music byHans Zimmer
CinematographyAdrian Biddle

Wikipedia | IMDB

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