Around six weeks ago I abandoned my cashmere mitts project when using the cheap 2mm bamboo needles proved to make my hands very sore. I assessed my overall DPN situation; having lost track of one set of Clovers I was down to just a single pair of short DPNs in 2.5mm and none at all in sizes around that. I had 2 metal and 1 bamboo set of 2.5mm in an uncomfortable 8″ length – I much prefer five or six inches for socks.
I Googled around a bit and landed up at John Lewis, where I purchased three sets of Rowan wooden DPNs. A month later they had not arrived. An email to them was followed by a phone call from John Lewis. Out of Stock, and they would refund. I would have preferred to wait and have the order honoured but they were unprepared to do that.
So, I Googled around some more and had great difficulty in finding anywhere that could supply short Clovers in all of the sizes that I was looking for.
What did I do? I went slightly crazy and treated myself to some Lantern Moon Sox Stix in Rosewood. Just the one set, due to the extreme price lunacy. I got the 2mm so that I could complete the mitts that are supposed to be with my sister by the 19th of this month…
They arrived this morning, having been ordered on Thursday and… I tell you, these things are to die for. Not that I have tried knitting with them yet, but I cannot imagine being anything other than enthralled once I deploy these little darlings. Ultra smooth.
I shall need to take very good care of these babies.
I shan’t know for certain until I have tried them but I think I shall be wanting needing a set in my favourite 2.5mm size as well.
And now I must confess to the Hand Art as well 😉
I was going to cast on new socks today but I think I’ll test the needles and work on the mitts instead. Perhaps the new socks can wait until the Hand Art arrives. I can’t match any of the yarn that I have to hand with any of the patterns that I want to knit just now.
First, I have some slab lifting/weeding/slab laying/gardening to attend to.