Mid-week panicking

Here it is, Wednesday already and I still have no knitting done. The chances of completing Denali this week and moving on to Warriston next week are slim at best.

Where has my time gone? Dosing the cat seems to take an inordinate amount of time, plus watching him eat. The only way to be certain how much he is eating is to stand guard, else Ted or one of the dogs will snarf it all and we have no idea how much Treacle actually had.

I cooked some mackerel for him and that seems to have done the trick, he had three meals yesterday plus two saucers of kitty milk.  It remains difficult to evaluate the amount eaten however when he insists on pulling the fish out of his dish and scattering it across the floor before eating it. Plus, my socks are full of fishy bits.


Overall Treacle’s progress is quite good – his chest rattles less and he seems a little brighter, though he has adopted resignation mode at dosing time and scarcely lifts a paw in complaint.

My own progress remains middling to poor – my table is cleared and my camera kit is packed into its new bag. I made use of the clear table yesterday to do some studio photography.


Being a good girl, I packed away when I was done and the table remains clear and offering a space in which I fervently hope and wish to wind wound off that purple yarn this afternoon!

The plan is to keep the table empty so that Gill and I can do some warping when she is ready – we have very little time in which to prepare a weaving workshop to be presented on the 25th of this month.

Yes. I know. I know nothing, less than nothing on the subject.


Yesterday’s lunch was a very fine free-range corn-fed roast chicken, done as low-fat and calorie-minimised as I could muster. Today will be was chicken pie.

I do love a chicken pie… though I like mine with a puff pastry, Mr L favours suet. Today may be a compromise of a simple shortcrust, I don’t know yet. Whichever it is, I shall most likely feel as though I ought to shove the pastry aside. Perhaps a wee nibble? Just a tiny morsel? 

I ate the pastry.


GP surgery on Thursday morning, for fasting blood sugar and BP reading. I hope he appreciates the work that I have put in so far and does not lecture me on how far that I have yet to go because I know what will happen if he does, I shall purchase copious quantities of chocolate on my way home!

Today is bright and sunny but blustery wet and windy again. The pie will be was time-consuming. I’m not at all sure that I shall be walking out with my camera, though Mr L does have a Mother’s Day card for me to post. The chances of my old harridan of a female parent getting a card for Mother’s Day are even slimmer than the prospects for the Denali being completed this week.

My prospects of winning this draw at Bureau Direct are probably just as slim, but I should love to win a set of these colourful notebooks- imagine the photo opportunities!


  1. jennifer
    March 11, 2015

    Hi Beth,
    i have been reading your posts.
    i hope treacle continues to improve.
    your photos are fantastic.
    i have been making a teddy and some clothes for it. Nearly finished.
    see you soon jennifer

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