
I begin to doubt my sanity in attempting this second Hamsa scarf. Eight rows. EIGHT rows, that’s all I have managed. It’s not the sum total of knitted/tinked rows by any means.


It’s mainly a matter of eyesight, available light, and fiddly-slippery-ness. I a knitting on 2.75mm bamboo needles, which are far too blunt for this job as I am using 3/50NM yarn (3 plies of fine silk yielding 16 to 17 yards per gram.) It’s in a very pale silvery grey – it’s called Tinfoil – that I can’t distinguish very well at all. I badly need both new glasses and some metal needles. So I am putting this on hold until I get hold of one or other or both.

Never mind. As well as the dormant WIPS I have to clear, I now also have my Mingus socks on the go.