
That wonderful man that I was wise enough to marry myself to… he’s got my PC up and running for me. I have only limited memory for the time being – it was a memory failure that took my machine down yesterday – but am back in the world again. I’m having to turn off as many TSRs as possible and limit my computer activities to ones that won’t damage my sanity.

Heck, it’s more knitting time, is it not?

The doyley is suffering. I swapped from short metal sticks to longer bamboo ones but they are horribly flexible and not at all nice to knit with. I think I’ll have to hibernate the project until my circs arrive from the States.

Spinning was good, if noisy. My poor head is whirling. Cake was “Dense Chocolate Cake” (yes, really – from Nigella) and an almond and apricot iced confection that sprang from my head this morning. I began working on the blue/purple Yarn Yard roving (Lavish) for PS3 “Water”. We had guests this week, one of whom gave me some quick instruction regarding weaving…