It’s Brewing

Every time that we look at the Met Office forecast for the next few days we find that it has worsened. Wind gusts on Thursday are now expected to exceed 70 mph. So I suppose there is not much chance that we shall be out and about on a beach  somewhere …

Today I moved “anything that might smash” from the caravan and then I took Nell out to play to see if we could get some action photos taken. Luckily Gill appeared as though on prompt and I took some photos of her shawl for her and then we played with Nell for a while.

Gill with her handspun Shetland Shawl
Gill with her handspun Shetland Shawl

Kedgeree followed (very tasty). This afternoon I appear to have done nothing but to make some cheese scones for tea. I really should apply myself.

Enticed by a marrowbone biscuit...
Enticed by a marrowbone biscuit…

Part 1 of our holiday made it on to Two Snails last night.  No doubt it will get here in good  time. I ought to be working on Part 2 just now but I seem to have Lightroom Fatigue. This manifests as a complete inability to judge a good photo from a poor one. Best to leave well alone for now.

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