It’s all over now

Mr L is well on his way home now and should be leaving Aberdeen airport any moment now, on schedule and in plenty of time for his connection at Kirkwall. All that we need now is for me to remember to go out and collect him from the airfield later this afternoon.

We are celebrating this evening with a Tapas spread. There was to be champagne but when Mr L called me to ask about what to buy – he was fancying a twin pack of Veuve Clicquot – I  checked the Tesco price and it was considerably cheaper there. So, we shall be toasting Retirement with a litre bottle of Talisker Dark Storm, which was a far better bargain. I have a bottle of a Spanish red gently warming on the AGA top.

I chased up Mr L’s elusive hospital appointment today and finally we have one. It is on September 27th, in Aberdeen. That is after the date that we planned to set off for Kircudbrightshire. So we need to re-plan. We have options, I think:

  • Stay here, do the hospital appointment, leave for D&G after it is all over, hurtle down to be there for the 1st October.
  • Stay here, do the hospital appointment, leave for D&G after it is all over, amble down as originally planned and arrive on the site whenever we feel like it.
  • Set off later, arrange to be around Aberdeen by the 27th, do the appointment and then carry on to be there for the 1st October.
  • Set off later, arrange to be around Aberdeen by the 27th, do the appointment and then carry on, amble down as originally planned and arrive on the site whenever we feel like it.
  • Set off as planned, get to wherever, let Mr L travel back to Aberdeen for the day, then carry on just a day or so late.

I think it would be best to debate this before we have our celebration this evening, whilst remaining sober.

It will be good to have the old man home, Nell and I are both missing him and I am finding the silence to be altogether too much. Plus, I cannot make the printer work and require my IT Support Unit back in place, please. I have been thwarted this morning and that does not sit well. Ultimately I think I am just irritated by the surfeit of housework and my tolerance for glitches has temporarily been eroded.

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