It seems about time…

It seems about time that I should offer proof that there remains life on Planet WOOL | gathered. I apologise for my extended absence. There seems little to write about. I am going through one of those “wading through mud” phases where creativity and productivity are both down. The spiral seems ever-downward. However – Mr L is about to leave on one of his infrequent trips to the office and he will be gone all week. I had intended to launch myself into some heavy duty tidying and cleaning. However, my back has other ideas and it now seems that I shall be taking things easy for a few days. I hope then to make some creative space in my life and to restore my batteries.

I have no plans. There’s a small urge to knit like fury in order to have something to enter into the annual Industrial Show. Time is very tight however and I do not believe that I can complete in time. I am also supposed to be spinning at a similar intensity, for the Tour de Fleece. My intentions were good but it just is not happening.

One thing that I do intend to do over the next week is to introduce a little mindfulness meditation into my daily round. If I can make meditation routine whilst Mr L is absent, then possibly I have a chance of making it a daily practice. Also on the potential agenda is a little baking – I want to tick off more items from my Baking Bucket List. There will certainly be some snail mail correspondence happening and I hope that will trigger off some creative play with paper and ink etc. One thing that I really want to fit in is the selection of some images for the Photography classes at the Show. If I can do that in good time, I can have some prints made up in town and avoid the need to stock up on HP ink cartridges that will only be wasted and dry out before this time next year.

Like I said, no plans…but… a few items that I might find myself crossing off in the next few days:

1 – Baguettes

2 – Croissants

3 – Show preparation

4 – Learning the art of Meditation

5 – Make some mail art envelopes

6 – Post a few letters


and, finally

8 – Update the blog with all the details and perhaps do a daily Blip.

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