Is it quiet?

Am I being quiet? I’m not sure – I have quite lost track of when I last posted. I’m up to my ears in site creation over at Sanday Spinners and it is occupying every waking hour. There’s little knitting being done, and absolutely no spinning. The workroom is much improved, but there is a long way to go in the rationalisation process yet.

I’m so excited about the spinners revamp that I may end up sweeping through here with a new broom too. I quite fancy a new look and feel.

The last hit list has seen a little progress

but mostly I’m stuck at the computer testing software and configurations. That’s all  very dull for you, dear reader.

It’s cold up here, but dry at long last. There are signs of spring too – but real spring is a long way off yet and we shall have much bad weather to come yet, I am sure.

If you want me, I’ll be next door. Tidying and organising. Today I am mainly pre-wrapping stock ready for our new faster dispatch metods.

Such an exciting life!

I’m having Halloumi for my lunch today. What’s on your plate?

One Comment

  1. Sarah Goodman
    February 2, 2012

    Nothing squeaky for lunch here 😉

I enjoy reading your comments, please pass the time of day