A triumphant final sprint saw the Ruffled Fichu completed late yesterday, and one more tick against the UFO list. Hurrah!
I immediately went in search of yarn with which to make my next Silk Road Socks – Mood. I chose Nyoni in Sea Spray. Unfortunately it turned out to be a tangled skein and I managed little more than casting on and a couple of rows before bedtime. Hence, no WIP Wednesday photographs yesterday.
The Fichu made such good progress as I took it to Spinning yesterday instead of the new weaving that I had planned to do. I warped the loom on Tuesday afternoon and was all set to get stuck in… until the car refused to start. So, the loom stayed home and me and the knitting went out… and there was no P in WIP yesterday at all, as the fichu now counts as an FO.
The new sock is now under way and there will be a WIP report next week. Hopefully there will be weaving progress to report too.
I checked the UFO list for candidates for completion today and have decided to work on the Pi Blanket in between sock knitting. For now, I am in the mood for socks and that is what I shall be knitting.
There were two programmes on the iPlayer today that I would have sat and knitted to this evening. Sadly both were lacking a download link – so I think I shall listen to some music instead. Glenn Miller would seem to be appropriate.
Oh, I miss our player pianos!
Kirkwall tomorrow – hope the snow is gone by then. Must go and write a list… my life is ruled by lists!
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