I survived

Well, art class was as much fun as at least part of my brain knew that it would be. The lovely Dominiqiue is so energetic and supportive and all round jolly…

We began by playing Pictionary. I had to draw Cash in the Attic and Waterloo Road. Both were guessed, so I can’t have done too badly.

Then we drew apples and threw the drawings away.

Then we drew apples again, using one specific shading technique of choice.

Then the same apple, different shading technique.

Then a still life with brush holders and jugs.

It was… exhausting.

I depressed myself by sitting next to a very talented and capable drawing artist – really, she’s all kinds of awesome with a pencil in her hand.

My drawings were not good, but not all that bad either. I mean, they were recognisable. I see some kind of a future and that I shall have a style all of my own 🙂 It certainly will not be photographically perfect drawing… something far more energetic and characterful.

Next week we begin with paint – acrylics. And more fruit. Deep joy.

I am on my own turf on Friday – I feel far more confident with a camera than I do with a pencil – though I have an awful lot to learn. Camera class sounds like fun and we shall be going out and about and bringing work back to the classroom for critique. We are promised still life, portraiture and documentary styles over the coming weeks. At least. Sounds like we shall be kept busy.


  1. September 13, 2011

    I love painting with acrylic…

  2. […] haven’t said much yet about art class other than the post that I made over at WOOL | gathered. I did intend to hook up the scanner and reveal my attempts at drawing. I will do that, some time […]

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