I forgot!

I said that there had been no spinning or knitting happening but completely forgot to add that there has at least been fibre. Not only that but I logged into Ravelry. Yes, I updated my stash. There is much work to do there in updating the old stash as having been sold/gifted but after doing a few I could not face the remaining 95 records…

Here is the contents of my package from Katie at Hilltop Cloud.

120 g of sock fibre, 200 g of Cambrian in the “Steam” colours and 200 g of a lovely blend with linen that will nde day make a gorgeous shawl for me.

Now all that I need to do is to get my wheel out and make its acquaintance.

That feels better, more like I am getting this blog back on track.


  1. April 20, 2019

    I’ve got some of the Cambrian steam fibre. Wrong colours for my steam railway but still beautiful.

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