Gently Does It

It is not raining today. Nor is the wind blowing. It is   frosty. It’s calm, still, and mild. Heaven be praised! It’s like a whole other world out there.

The back continues to improve, though not as quickly as I would have hoped. SpinningGill is presently chauffeuring Mr L to the shops, as I feared that I might set myself on a backwards path if I acted too stoical about it all. Common sense must rule and “gently does it” is my mantra for the day.

Yesterday was the first day this week when I did not have to retire to bed to relieve my back. Today was the first day that I did not reach for the Ibuprofen gel before putting my clothes on. Major leaps. All the same, I can manage only a few steps without puffing and gasping.

So, it surprises me how much I have achieved this week. I did produce a couple of lunches without assistance, and effected a little laundry.  The Sanday Spinners sock articles continue – it’s amazing how much one can write in a draft in short bursts between re-heating the wheat bag and taking a lie-down. Taking photographs of progress has been a great trial, and most painful of all the things that I have attempted this week. It really has been a struggle to get images into the posts. The sock itself was much delayed but I am now working on the gusset, and consequently Article 5 is already largely drafted. It cannot be published yet, as Article 4 is awaiting attention from another quarter. As that quarter is currently chauffeuring my shopping, I am not about to complain about that.

Anyway – there is progress, both bodily and sockily. I am now itching to cast on some comfort knitting. I want to be handling soft, silky yarn, looking at  bright colours and working lacy stitches. Ah, my. Must not. MUST NOT! The order of things must be:

  • the Serenity Socks,and writing them up
  • the two commissions,
  • and then complete the Senneh socks

If I am not firm about that, then madness will surely follow. Besides, I need the Sennehs on my feet soon.

I also need to make room in my workroom. Yes, I know that I am always saying that but… Sanday Spinners have the go-ahead to retail KnitPro needles. The minimum order is painfully large – not simply costly, but will need space to store the stock. It cannot be done at Gill’s house, and that just leaves my workroom. So, something has to go – but not until my back is less troublesome. We don’t want anything going back into spasm. Gently does it.

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