Fog bound

Oh dear, wherever does the time go to and why on earth do I find it so difficult to recall what happened in the last few days. If the time has passed so quickly then surely I must have been busy. But if I have been busy I ought to have lots to tell – so why is there nothing in my head at all!

In short, my brain is as foggy as the weather has been.

I do know that there has been some sun because I took photographs featuring shadows on Friday but Thursday evening’s walk was plagued by drifting haar.

Bright sun on Friday
Bright sun on Friday  had the Mayweed casting strong shadows


Sadly we wasted the best of Friday’s sun by opting to tackle the fridge/freezer. I emptied it and then we took the doors off again and moved it back into the kitchen. Mr L wired up the new underfloor heating and started the week-long programme of gentle warm-up. The wiring was difficult and took time and tested patience. We headed off to the pub for supper, walking to the village in the warm sunshine.

Still sunny when we walked home again
Still sunny when we walked home again


Over the weekend we gradually moved bits and pieces back into the kitchen. I baked some bread rolls and made a pizza, spending much of my time wandering about in circles and wondering where everything that I needed had come to rest.

Rolls for Sunday breakfast
Rolls for Sunday breakfast


The first of this year’s young hedgehogs appeared in the garden on Sunday


it’s good to know that slug control is under way.

Sunday also saw the sitting room door returned to its hinges and the Utility room cupboards lined up ready for screwing in. We were able to add an extra double base unit rescued from the kitchen. In the evening I finally managed to upload my selected images for printing for the Show. I hope that the prints arrive back here in time.

Today things seem slightly more sane. I got my Monday Outlook photo taken this morning and I even found time to go and sit in  my caravan and spin for the first time since we sited it! I filled a bobbin of singles.

Spun today
Spun today

The van remains too full for comfort but it was pleasant enough to sit with its door open and spin in peace. I was more than ready for an hour to myself, I can tell you.

OK. That’s us about up to date. Things will continue pretty much as set for the next few days, I think – pottering on moving things back into place in the kitchen  and then escaping for some spinning whenever I can.

Oh, one final thing – recall that I bought myself a product stage back in February? It finally arrived on Thursday. When I found time to open the package it turned out that the lamps had Euro plugs on and no adapters had been provided. I am wrestling with Amazon to resolve the matter. Not amused, after 4 months waiting, to be unable to do something useful with the kit!

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