Surely you don’t expect another FO post, after last week’s flood of finished objects? You do? Well, there might have been one – if the sun had come out. I have only the Amalia to offer you today and as I have no further photographs since Wednesday’s WIP post… I think that we shall have to do without today. Really, it is a very grey and grim day today and not at all conducive to knitting glamour shots.

What? You insist on a little something to keep you going? Will a blocking shot do you?


The shawl is dry and ready to post off – but I really would like some pretty pictures first.

And, in Other News today:

1) I am still waiting for recipe suggestions for new cake to try at next week’s spinning group, we are in need of change

2) Currently working on my Link scarf in the vain hope of completing it by the 20th. I am watching my way through the entire series of St Elsewhere while I do this and am now mid-Season 2 (of 6). Scarf 50% done as of bedtime last night.

3) My Faber At Home book hasn’t arrived today, so there are no reading distractions – yet.

4) Yesterday’s Focaccia was top notch. Absolutely perfect. Brilliantly executed. I was so proud 🙂 We had half with spaghetti and tomato sauce for lunch, and made smoked ham sandwiches with the remaining half for tea. All gone! The very best Focaccia that I ever made. I think probably the best bread product that I ever made. Despite my fears about the ambient tempertature, it worked a treat ((I raised the dough in the office, using the waste heat from the computers to keep it warm.))

5) There will be Puzzle News tomorrow

6) Enjoy your weekend. I know that I shall, Link frenzy or no.