Engaging gear

The weather is back – rain and wind and gloom, gloom, gloom.

I feel a bit like the weather myself, having had very little sleep. One of the effects of the Fast days is that I am extra alert and buzzing when I don’t wish to be, and am wide-awake all night. Well, in this case until 4:30 am.

I got up anyway. My heart and my mind are still in bed, keeping the cats company but my nobody seems to be going through the motions at least.

The onion bread is set to rise and I am about to go and collect my duck and fresh cream from the shop, thence home again –  to make the pâté and the base sauce and bake the loaf.

Mr L’s second thrummed sock is halfway through the heel. If I get time to complete the heel in between kitchen tasks, there is now a fair chance that he can have them bestowed upon him at dinner time tomorrow.

Wish me luck – no time to hang around here, gabbing – I have thrums to thrum!

See you Thursday.

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