Don’t Like Me


Social networking has killed the Blog. It makes readers lazy – they just hit a button and move on. Blogs  should be a place of discourse and exchange.

So, PLEASE, don’t (just) Like me – leave a comment. Talk to me, I’d like to get to know you.

Nobody likes me, everybody hates me,
think I’ll go eat worms…
big fat juicy ones, little slimy skinny ones,
hope they don’t have germs!”


  1. March 1, 2013

    You are right. People do not comment enough. We know each other by our blogs, but we do not communicate. So, Daily Dilly Dally, I shake your hand and ask, “How are you today?”

    • March 1, 2013

      I am very well, thank you. And how are you?

  2. March 1, 2013

    Sometimes I read something and just have nothing to say about it. I feel I’d be making a comment for the sake of it. I click Like to show the author that I read it and did in fact like it.

I enjoy reading your comments, please pass the time of day

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