
2885727382_8dd51ee082 The yarn lasted out and Mr L has a new pair of socks. Not perfect by any means but they will keep his toeses warm, and that is what counts. And at least one of them fits…

I appear to have resurrected Mr plumbum’s Green ‘n Growlly Socks (aka # One Husband Socks) so it would seem that completion fever won out over personal challenge for a while. The first sock had previously progressed to the end of the gusset shaping so I just have to romp down the foot now to get that finishing thrill. Then there’s the second sock to go, of course.

I have no idea why these socks are being so slow to fruition. I like them. I enjoy knitting them. They look good. Why am I so resistant to actually knitting on them? I have no idea! The yarn, maybe. This Hipknits cashmere falls very far behind the quality of the Colourmart yarns, that’s for sure. You really would not believe that they were meant to be one and the same.

Anyway, they are on the Magic Loop now and I put several rounds into them already this afternoon. Maybe we shall make it all the way to the finishing post this time. Fingers crossed! (or should that be “needles crossed”?)

If these get finished quickly I shall try to squeeze a toe-up in at the end of the month. There’s ambition for you!