Culloden, Elgin, Turriff and Huntly

Today, we left here quite early

Culloden Moor Caravan Site

after first using the motorhome servicing point. Nell finds this process worrying

Nell worries in case Mr L decides to hose the rear windows, so deserts the bed in favour of my seat, which is as far away from the worry as is caninely possible

We went first to here

How many solicitors are based in such wonderful premises

and once our business was done we went in search of breakfast, here

Wonderful egg and sausage rolls

Then we drove off to look at this (more on this subject later)


and had a stroll by the Deveron

Deveron Bridge

Once we were done, we drove to Huntly, shopped in Tesco and pitched at the caravan site in the  Land of Rabbits

Rabbit land

After coffee and cake, I swapped the pancake lens for Kit lens no 2 (40mm – 150mm zoom) and we walked by the Deveron again

The Deveron has a different character in Huntly

There were hosts of wild flowers to admire

Rosebay Willow Herb/Fireweed

and very many of these

Red Admiral Butterflies

It was too hot to cook or eat a heavy meal so we had a beer and some cheese and biscuits.

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