A change is as good as a rest

After what seems an age we have today a change in the weather. The sun is shining! The wind has died down and it is not currently hailing or snowing. We took Nell for a run on the beach at Backaskaill. Mr L said the the forecast was not great and that we needed to nip out quickly so, even knowing that the Fulmars would be nesting, I did not pause to change lenses or grab a tripod.

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The beach at Backaskaill

As it happens, the day has remained a beautiful one so I could have lingered and tooled up. I am not sure that it would have helped any as I am having one of those “I am a rubbish photographer” days and all of my shots were entirely underwhelming. Judicious application of several editing programmes has served to rescue a few though others have perhaps been pushed a step too far…

Proof that I take rubbish photographs:

There was little to find on the beachcombing side as we are mid “Bag the Bruck” and all the rubbish has been carted from the beaches. I was delighted to find this, never having seen one washed up before now

The Kraken... sleeps
The Kraken… sleeps

Having only a 70mm reach I could not get any good Fulmar shots

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but I did spot the remains of this one’s dinner on a rocky ledge below

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We lingered in the sun, scrambling on rocks and poking in to rock pools. I managed a sneaky one of Mr L

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The rest from today

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One Comment

  1. April 29, 2016

    I love these photos and I don’t care whether you think they are technically brilliant or not. You always seem to pick interesting things to look at. Dramatic landscape, clouds, rusty things: all good in my book.

I enjoy reading your comments, please pass the time of day