Catch up

There has been spinning! I went along with Gill to the annual Guide and Brownie Sale. No Brownies were available to purchase but there were some fine doughnuts, of which I was unable to partake.


The annual sale is the main source of income for our local Guides and so I was more than happy to go along and demonstrate some spinning for the afternoon.  Gill and I sat alongside the Orkney chair-making demo.



I spent some time amusing myself with the Special Effects on my camera 🙂

I went round to Gill’s on Sunday for a quick briefing on caddy lamb sitting.

Cuteness overload
A hungry threesome

I obtained my first decent loaf of bread from the Aga. I think I am beginning to get the hang of things.

A nice crusty cob

It went down well for Sunday tea with butter, cheese and a chilled cider.

It turns out that today is a Holiday. I was unprepared.

We have painted the plywood facing in the caravan.



Once the paint had dried we added some old carpet. Things are starting to look a little cosier.

Looking spruce
Looking spruce

I am leaving the remainder of the painting for now. We are going to put shelves in after Mr L has finished mowing the grass.

With the shelves in place I should be able to begin moving the stash in. Once I have added curtains and some pot plants, it should start to look like home.

The best news of all is that I think perhaps we may fit my big table in. Of course, that won’t leave much space to turn around in …


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