Decision time. I definitely have castonitis. But I also feel a strong urge to clear some WIPs. I have so many wonderful patterns queued, and lots of gorgeous yarn, and I feel them tugging at me. But I also crave the glow of casting off.
What to do?
- Do the second Dragon Scale mitt for a quick smug fix and a Completed tag. Easy Peasy.
- Finish Kenaz, and get felting. Also Easy Peasy – – Lemon Squeezy, in fact.
Let’s not be too ambitious, there are other things happening that need my time and attention: let’s aim for having the mitts cast off, and ends sewn in – plus a cast off Kenaz bag by this weekend.
Over the weekend I can think about making up the bag but may defer this until I can get to the mainland as I strongly suspect I shall be needing some kind of lining material and inner wadding. Oh, and a very nice button, I think.
Concurrently, because I shall go mad if I don’t have something new to gaze upon… some kind of hat, I think. This will be a Gretel in handspun, or a Spring Cap in handspun, or maybe a Fountain Hat in sock yarn. Or something else entirely – it depends on matching yarn to pattern successfully.
Next week:
- Prioritise the #1 Husband sock for completion.
- Continue with new hat project
- Continue with freeform project Beachcomber with aim to complete by end of week.
The Cascading Leaves shawl is on hold until I can get some larger beads. Officially hibernating now.
I am very unenthusiastic about the sock projects that I have going. I have lots queued that I do want to do but I do think I should complete at least the Kindling (as a practice Firestarter) and the Green and Grrowlly #1 Husband socks before casting on any new socks at all. I shall relegate Thorfinn to the Hibernation bed, as it was never intended to be a thoroughly live project and is strictly boat knitting. I am also officially hibernating the Lead or Follow scarf until there is more good light to work in than we have at this time of year.
That gets my WIPS down to just the top row on my Ravelry projects (yes, I know that I cheated), with a real chance of completing 3 or 4 projects by the end of next week.
I will allow myself a maximum of one cast on project for each two completions until the hibernation bed comes under control as well.
I am not looking forward to Kindling, because I really do not like the yarn. But I want to nail the toe up pattern rather than wasting any good yarns on it. I want to do a proper Firestarter by the end of March, for PS3 – so I have to knuckle down quickly if two pairs of Firestarters are to be completed in quick succession.
Tonight: make spinning cake for tomorrow and cast on second dragon scale mitt
Tomorrow: Spinning Group a.m. spin more Shetland X in blues and greens, dragon scale mitt p.m. for completion
Thursday: Cast on a hat. Enjoy sensation of new exciting project
Friday: Complete Kenaz knitting
Saturday: walk on beach. Find green cashmere sock box. Stare at it dejectedly. Knit some hat
Sunday: walk on beach, roast pork joint, stare at cashmere socks once more. Knit some hat
Monday: Knit the bloody socks!
Tuesday-Friday: repeat until finished. Freeform knitting intermittently to refresh creative juices. Thorfinn sock on Friday’s boat. (Buy decent circs for Firestarter socks.)
Saturday: Set aside for great smugfest.
Sunday: Wake Kindling up.
Am I living in a fantasy world?
Probably. But right now I am off to bake cake.