Another day to be stopping in bed

Dull, grey, miserable and cold. We stopped in bed until almost lunchtime (Mr L made bacon butties for breakfast and delivered them to me) but eventually agreed that we should at least pretend to attack the day. We got through two bottles of wine last night so I was a touch headache-y and reluctant to rise. We had piri-piri chicken with new potatoes, garlic mushrooms and courgettes, followed by raspberry Eton mess and I never had to lift a finger. Well done, that man.

Speaking of the marvellous man in my life, he has been attempting to resurrect my hard drive ever since we got up but has now admitted failure. He has it attached to his PC just now and although he can see the drive, Windoze refuses to do anything with it at all.

What is amazing me is that I find it impossible to care. I think that I have spent so much time over the past few days in steeling myself to just let go that I have achieved some kind of Zen state. Nothing really matters. I am living in the moment. If my photos are lost, then they are lost and I shall simply make some more.

What is annoying me is all of the time that I spent last week in reviewing old photos and removing many of from the drive. I had been trying to reduce the number of files to that appropriate for keeping on the laptop. I was just going to keep the very best of them plus a fe family memories. All that work done to no avail. I could have been knitting.

As for knitting, and for letting go… some of my favourite pieces left the house yesterday. That was difficult, initially. I took deep breaths and convinced myself that I simply cannot own so many things when we leave here. Even if we decide to buy a small cottage thereafter, there will be a period of weeks or months until we find one and we will be living full time in the van. The stuff really must go. I cannot be finicky about it.

I enjoyed not having to cook yesterday. I think I might request takeaway tonight and repeat the experience.

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