Almost there

Surprised today, and not a little disappointed, that the yarn for Mr L’s sweater was not delivered yet. It does give me breathing space on the Warriston but I guess it means that I am held up to next week with the birthday sweater.

Warriston itself is cracking on nicely. I am now working on a smaller cable and have turned the work inside out for the collar. The plain part of the collar has been worked and I am about to start the final furlong – there are 30 rows of border pattern to knit, then an i-cord bind-off follows.  I have just noticed that all the hem stitches are to pick up and also have an i-cord added. The sleeve edging is optional. The underarms require only grafting – there is no gusset to be knitted, so I now feel a bit daft for having worked the entire upper section of the sweater with the two sleeve balls still attached. I have had them stuffed into the sweater’s front pockets all this time.

Soon be done. Don’t be surprised if the hem i-cord lags a bit.

Mr L is cooking my dinner for me today. We briefly dallied with the notion of going out to eat but the weather is not conducive. He has been playing in his train room all afternoon and I have knitted peacefully in the office. I am about to go and add my touches (spring rolls and prawn crackers) to his Chicken and Cashew in Black Bean Sauce, with rice.

Mr L has also come up with a plan for his birthday that may well get me out of producing a three-course treat for him. It will mean dusting Brunhilde off – though all depends on the weather. More as our ideas firm up… It’s a great plan that he has but I confess to a sinking heart when I consider re-filling the van and getting her ready for an outing!

I’m having problems with the blog – both in accessing it and in publishing posts. It’s at  the host’s end and seems to be associated with their SQL servers. We are considering moving the blog to our own hosting. Things may go a little wonky in the moving process if we do. I’m keeping my digits crossed and in the meantime am hoping that this post will publish without trouble.

Must dash, got to fly fry

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