A Thank You

The draw was held 01/03/10 and the lucky winner, #17 pixeldiva, was notified 02/03/10

I am sorry that I do not yet have an FO post for this, but the light has been dreadful. I really want to get cracking on this, so here’s what I’ll do. I’ll set the terms out here and edit the details later to add photos etc. (EDIT: Photos added 17 Jan)

Knitters are behind MSF in a big way. They have mobilised for Haiti in a remarkable fashion. Knitters Without Borders are donating direct and the Yarn Harlot is keeping a tally.  P/hoppers are supporting Natalie Fergie‘s initiative. Ravelry designers are giving a cut of their earnings to emergency funds (SEVEN pages of patterns already.) And it’s all wonderful.

Now, I’m not asking you to do any more. I just want to offer an extra thank you to those who have already donated.

If you have donated to MSF ((please, MSF donations only. This is not to denigrate the Red Cross, Oxfam, or any other good cause. It’s just that I am supporting existing knitterly connections this time around)), whatever the route you chose to do so,  in the period Jan 12th 2010 to February 28 2010, please leave a comment on this post. On the 1st March I would put all your names into a draw. The prize will be my latest FO – the Bitterroot Shawl.

I’m not interested in the amount of your donation and I need no proof – just your word. I know you wouldn’t lie.

If you have donated but are shy about displaying the fact here with your name, just email me (beth at this domain) to let me know that you have made a donation and I will add you to the list.

I will post this shawl anywhere in the world, to you or to a nominated recipient

If you don’t yet qualify, well it’s easy to do so 😉


The merino/silk roving was a surprise gift to me, and was dyed by Natalie at The Yarn Yard. The gift was from a man who, although I have met him only once, I count a friend. He’s a fundraiser and I have contributed to his causes. I believe that he would approve my principle of Paying It Forward. I had the many, many hours of pleasure from spinning it into over 850 yards of 2ply laceweight yarn. It’s not the greatest yarn ever spun, but I put my heart and soul into it.

The Bitterroot pattern, by Rosemary Hill, was free from Knitty. It was fun to knit and it provided me with an opportunity to make my first ever beaded shawl. There are over 650 seed beads in this design. The beads came from Sanctuary Beads, via eBay.

The shawl is about five and a half feet wide.

I have donated to p/hop in recognition of the hours of pleasure that I derived from the joy of the gift, and the spinning of it, plus the knitting of the free pattern and the learning experience of the beading. All priceless, in my mind. Thank you to all concerned.

It is difficult to part with this shawl – it feels like a part of me after so many hours spent in producing it. It would be pointless to offer you something of less worth though, wouldn’t it?

Here are the FO shots

Comments are Open.


  1. January 16, 2010

    What a fabulous shawl and how generous you are to give it away, the knitting community is indeed a great place to belong to. I donated :0)

    • January 16, 2010

      Thank you, Yvette. Welcome to wool|gathered

  2. Pmcblonde
    January 16, 2010

    Gorgeous shawl and a generous donation to a very worthy cause – I have donated through p/hop

  3. Zanna
    January 16, 2010

    Lovely shawl! I donate and have reported via p/hop and KWB on yarnharlot’s blog.

    How generous of you!

  4. January 16, 2010

    Zanna: How generous of you!

    Not at all, the generosity is all yours.

  5. January 16, 2010

    Yup – I donated within 24 hours of the ghastly event, Beth – and I’m fascinated to see that it was to the charity that you also choose – MSF – first in, last out. Amazing people. (Also remembering a book sale I held with AN Other Person, known to us both, several years ago now, (in a pub!) donating the proceeds of THAT sale to MSF.
    As others have said, what a most generous gesture on your part. Thank you.

  6. Amy V
    January 16, 2010

    I donated via p/hop to MSF this week. Great offer and lovely shawl. Thanks!

  7. Jan A
    January 16, 2010

    Hi, Beth!
    Your Bitteroot shawl is very beautiful, a generous donation. Thank you. Your website is gorgeous too.
    Love, Jan

  8. January 16, 2010

    Wow! I am in awe of your shawl AND your generosity. I donated to MSF yesterday via the p/hop site. MSF has long been one of my favourite charities, but I have only recently discovered the joy of p/hop!

    with admiration,

  9. Dennine
    January 16, 2010

    What an incredible gift!
    Such a beautiful shawl.

    I donated earlier this morning (and reported to KWB).

    Thank you for your generosity!

  10. January 16, 2010

    I donated by purchasing a few patterns by Woolly Worm Head on Ravelry. This is a lovely thing to do in a very worthy cause

    BTW were you once a member of Altered Art UK?

  11. January 16, 2010

    Beth, the shawl is a work of art! Just beautiful. Thank you so much for your generous gift to us knitters. My p/hop donation went in today.

  12. beanz
    January 17, 2010

    What a lovely shawl and a lovely gesture.

    I too have donated by p/hop.

  13. Belinda aka beedragon
    January 17, 2010

    Offering up such a work of art is just amazing. Good karma to you 🙂

    I made my donation to the MSF Canada group. Our government is matching donations made. I’m just happy right now that I have the financial capacity to help – even a little bit.

    We are so grateful to have a roof over our head and food on the table.

  14. Kate aka 2gr8kids
    January 17, 2010

    Wonderful shawl, and such a generous offer. I have donated to MSF after finding the p/hop site via Ravelry.

  15. Carol
    January 18, 2010

    Gorgeous shawl–how generous of you to give it away! I donated to MSF/DWB on January 14.

  16. Stella
    January 19, 2010

    Beautiful shawl. Very generous of you to donate your work. I donated Jan 15 to MSF/DWB.

  17. January 19, 2010

    What beautiful work, and what a wonderful thing to offer to give away.

    I’ve bought a whole pile of patterns from Ravelry whose designers are giving most/all of their profits to MSF, and I’ll be doing another p/hop donation in a moment too.

  18. Susan
    January 19, 2010

    What a lovely gesture! I donated to MSF.

  19. Ros
    January 19, 2010

    What a beautiful shawl, and what a lovely story of paying it forward and giving something of value. I would be honoured to win this.

  20. Rachel A
    January 19, 2010

    What a stunning shawl and equally stunning offer – Thank you so much 🙂

    I too have donated to MSF via p/hop…probably the greatest knitting charity in the world

  21. Jennifer Barrett
    January 21, 2010

    Thank you for doing this. I wanted to contribute somehow, and now I have, using your link. The drawing for your gorgeous shawl in my favorite colors is an added bonus.

  22. Susan aka paintermom
    January 26, 2010

    I donated and will do so again.

  23. Elena
    February 10, 2010

    Brandywine shawl is beautifu, even sophisticated, and doesn’t look intimidating for relatively new knitters. I am organizing a knit along of your shawl. Everyone who is going to participate in it will buy your pattern from the ravelry. I bought mine a minute ago! Thank you!

  24. Susan aka paintermom
    February 10, 2010

    Although I had already given, I couldn’t resist the Brandywine shawl. Just bought the pattern. Thanks for alerting me to it!

  25. February 12, 2010

    Hi Beth,

    Your kindness and generosity are amazing. I just purchased the beautiful Brandywine shawl pattern and I attempted to donate an additional amount through p/hop, but it kept filling in my address as UK rather than US – do you know if that matters? If it doesn’t, I’ll pop back over there and complete the second donation. I just didn’t want to screw anything up donation-wise.

  26. March 2, 2010

    What a wonderful gesture — no, deed!
    The thought counts, but the deed gets noticed… 🙂
    As a fellow p/hopping & MSF-donating knitter I’d like to extend my thank you right back to YOU!
    Brilliant idea, brilliant knitting, and a lovely, lovely shawl.

Comments are closed.